Sunday, March 18, 2012

Unfortunately, my plan to make a super awesome zombie cake didn't work out.  Brian was supposed to go to New Jersey yesterday, which would have been about a day and a half worth of baking and decorating time, but instead his mom came here and we spent the day at his aunt's.

[Beckham, Brian's 2 month old son]

Tonight we are going to Mike and Cheryl's new place to watch the Walking Dead season finale.  We will be eating ice cream cake instead haha.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Too Gross to Eat

Okay, so in honor of my boyfriend's birthday this Saturday, I am taking a risk and baking a very elaborate cake for him.  The idea sparked on Sunday after we finished watching the Walking Dead.  There were a bunch of us sitting in Mike's room and we decided that since he and Cheryl will be moved into their new apartment this upcoming weekend, that we'll have a birthday/season finale party.  Danny and I wanted to hire his friend's bakery to make the cake, but unfortunately his friend quit (pretty much the day before we came up with this idea).  So I decided that I will bake the cake Saturday and hopefully have it completely decorated by Sunday.

Oh, did I mention that this cake was going to be inspired by the Walking Dead?!  Perhaps a zombified Brian (my boyfriend)?  I looked on google for some inspiration, even though I already have an idea in mind.  These are some of my favorites:

Monday, March 5, 2012

What's it all about?

My grandpa came back to New York to live with my aunt and uncle.  He had been living on the west coast for a little less than 10 years now.  He brought back with him his sweet little cat named Alfie.  Funny story, when he lived in Connecticut, before my grandpa passed away, they owned another cat named Alfie.  Once my grandpa moved and found this cat, he realized how much he looked like the original Alfie, so he named him Alfie.  I think it's cute, and I guess when you're pushing 90 and only have a few things left to easily remember, recycling pet names isn't the worst thing to do.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Not Model Behavior

I modeled for Brian yesterday for one of his photo assignments.  I'm not a model in the slightest bit.  I'm awkward and can't make a "model"-esque face at all.  I'm one of those people that NEED to make a silly face when my picture is taken.  Somehow he managed to get a few of me laughing...

Then he made me scream.