Friday, July 15, 2011

I have a bunch of unscanned instant photos that I wanted to post, so I decided to scan the remainders and post my summer in photos thus far.

Memorial Day: 

Pizza Party at the Leaky Lifeboat:

Disney World:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

My hair was channeling the Beatles this afternoon while I sat outside and brainstormed about the shop.  Anyways, I decided to start a food blog before we officially open the shop.  I want to spread the word about what we will be offering and maybe share some recipes and feature recipes of fellow bloggers.  I think it could be a nice addition to our shop.

Earlier, I had a photo shoot with Ashley for the art show.  I only have one shot to post right now.

She's gorgeous, and only 18!  I wish I was hot when I was 18.  I was kind of a chubster.

I went to a carnival tonight with Brian and his family.  It was kind of chilly tonight, which I wasn't a fan of.  We ate popcorn and sodas and we watched as his little sister went on rides and she and their brother played games.

Monday, July 4, 2011


I think I'm going to start thinking, saying and doing the opposite of what I really want to think, say and do.